Good Vibes Hypnosis Dallas - Hypnosis Training and Services

Stop Smoking

After smoking for 37 years, I was pretty sure I would never be able to quit. Mark took his time to find out everything he needed to know about me and my smoking habit. Ever since I opened my eyes after hypnosis I have known for a fact that I will be a non-smoker for the rest of my life. There is no doubt in my mind about that. Thanks again Mark

E.B. - Addison

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Stop Smoking

We were surprised we didn't have the jitters, short-temperedness and all the other stress we had trying to quit before. No doubt about it, hypnosis was what we needed to stop for good.

L.B. - Plano

Self Hypnosis Recording!
Training Information
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International Association of Counselors and Therapists


I know the recording you sent me was an introduction to hypnosis, and not meant to help me get to sleep. But I found that it is so easy to go to sleep listening to your hypnosis recording that I use that every night and no longer need medication to help me sleep. Thank you.

L.G. - Dallas

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Hypnosis for Children

Hypnosis has been instrumental in helping my son learn to deal with the stress at school and in his life. I am completely satisfied with the results of his hypnosis sessions with Mark.

S.P. - Garland

Good Vibes Hypnosis Training Dallas

Continuing Education Hypnotherapy for

ACHE, IACT, IMDHA, NGH and Other Organizations

Earn Hypnotherapy CEUs in Dallas
Continuing Education for Hypnotherapy and Other Modalities
Good Vibes Hypnosis Continuing Education Training has been accepted by most Hypnotherapy Organizations.

We offer a variety of CEU Hypnotherapy Training classes several times a year in Dallas

Announcing Hypnotherapy Training in...

Dallas - Phoenix - Chicago - Houston - Nashville
Select a location for details on training in specific locations

Mark Johnson is a Second Generation Hypnotherapist, who grew up in Charleston, S.C. He is a Certified Master Trainer in Hypnotherapy with IACT, the International Association of Counselors and Therapists and a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist with ACHE.

Advanced Training in Parts Therapy, Regression Therapy, Working with Inner Guides, Interactive Processes and Silent Processes. Check the Upcoming Events or Contact Mark to find out about upcoming Continuing Education classes in Hypnotherapy.

Dallas Hypnosis Training

Growing up Mark had the opportunity to watch his father, Dr. Robert M. Johnson, hypnotize friends and neighbors. As soon as Mark began learning hypnosis, his father began to encourage him to start teaching hypnosis. Mark has a background in classroom instruction so it was only a matter of time before he began to teach Hypnotherapy. Before he decided to begin teaching, Mark spent time gaining practical experience seeing hypnosis clients. This allowed him to bring real world experience to his hypnotherapy students instdead of merely sharing what he had learned in his initial training.

Classes Available from 16 to 32 Hours

Good Vibes Hypnosis Training offers 2, 3 and 4 day training and that means you will learn more than you might learn taking 1-2 hour workshops at hypnosis conferences. These conferences are wonderful opportunities to meet other hypnotists from around the country and around the world, and continuing education credits are available when you attened the conferences and when you take classes before and after the conference.

For those who live in the Dallas area, or even within 3-5 hours, it can be more cost effective to attend a regional class to earn your CEUs every year. Mark has been known to schedule a CEU class to help those who wait until the last minute to renew their certification. If you are not sure your hypnosis certification orgainization will accept Mark's training, let him know and he will check with them on your behalf.

Some people decide to take these classes to learn more about specific areas of hypnosis, even if they do not need the CEU credits. Learn a variety of interactive processes that add extra tools to your toolbox when you attend a Good Vibes Hypnosis Continuing Education Training. From time to time Mark sponsors other instructors to offer their training in Dallas, which proivides even more variety.

The continuing education hypnotherapy training is taught by a combination of discussion, demonstration and hands on practice sessions. This has been shown to be the most effective way to learn hypnosis.

Some of the topics for the continuing education classes include:

  • Regression Therapy
  • Parts Therapy
  • Working with Inner Guides
  • Past Life Regression
  • Interactive Processes and Silent Processes

This Hypnotherapy Training is presented by Good Vibes Hypnosis Center which is not licensed by the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). Good Vibes Hypnosis Center has received an exemption from TWC, E-4434, and is allowed to teach this class in specific locations in the state of Texas.

Hypnotherapy Training for Continuing Education in Dallas
Instructors Mark and Lana Johnson

Mark is a Second Generation Hypnotherapist, a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Certified Master Trainer in Hypnotherapy.

Lana is a Certified Hypnotherapist, a Certified Pain Management Hypnotherapist and a Certified Hypnotherapy Instructor. She is also a Certified Massage Therapist.

In addition to Continuing Education Hypnotherapy Training, Good Vibes Hypnosis also offers Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy Training in Dallas, Phoenix, Houston, New Orleans and Atlanta. Discover more about Good Vibes Hypnosis Training when you click here

Contact Mark or give him a call at 214-432-6624 for information on the Continuing Education Hypnotherapy Training.

Mark and Lana call Dallas home, though the travel to various locations in Texas as well as Arizona, Louisiana and Georgia to offer their Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy Training. This course will help you learn what you need to know to start your new career or perhaps you would like to incorporate hypnosis into your existing practice. There are multiple applications when it comes to helping others with hypnosis.

It does not matter if Mark and Lana are teaching in Dallas or other locations, people travel to attend their Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy Training. The same is true for their Continuing Education Hypnotherapy Classers.

What are you waiting for? The time to enroll is now! Just imagine how good you will feel knowing you are helping others make powerful changes in their lives in a positive way. Call or Email Mark and find out more about this opportunity or register now for the next Dallas Good Vibes Hypnosis Training.

For additional information and details about upcoming continuing education training, please Contact Mark. Let him know when you need your CEUs, if he does not have something scheduled, he will contact you with details of his next continueing education class.

Mark V Johnson
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Alchemical Hypnotherapist
Certified Master Trainer
Dallas, Texas

Discover Hypnosis Skype Sessions

American Council of Hypnotist Examiners
International Association of Counselors and Therapists

IACT Educator of the Year for 2016

Call or Email today to find out more about our exciting
Hypnotherapy Training in Phoenix, Arizona.

Office: 214-432-6624

| Contact Mark

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