Dallas Hypnosis Services - Good Vibes Hypnosis
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Dallas Hypnosis Services

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Dallas Weight Loss with Hypnosis

Discover an exciting and extremely effective way to reduce your weight: Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis, LAP-BAND® is different.

Are you ready to change the way you look?
You are eating less and feeling great
You feel full and satisfied quickly
You drink plenty of fresh water
You see yourself wearing new, smaller clothes

Excess weight can be the result of emotional problems, poor eating habits, a lack of motivation to exercise, or other deep seated issues. You can achieve the positive changes so that you can have the body you desire, the body you deserve. Why are some people so successful in losing weight? Those who are able to change the role that food plays in their life can successfully and permanently lose weight! Let Hypnosis change the role food plays in your life!

With hypnosis we are able to uncover the underlying causes of your weight gain and assist you in changing the role that food plays in your life. Too many people eat for the wrong reasons, there is only 1 reason to eat, and that is fuel for the body.

The focus of the initial sessions involve discovering why you eat and then working on creating powerful changes in your attitude towards food so that you can make changes in the quality and quantity of food you are eating. We also focus on getting more movement into your life.

It is important to understand that this is not a one time meeting, a one session program. Chances are it took you a long time to put on the extra weight, so it will take some time to return to your natural ideal body weight, but that's OK. Along the way many people discover additional causes that have resulted in adding additional weight and often working on your weight involves working on other aspects of your life as well.

Stress is a big part of emotional eating for many people, just like it is for people who smoking cigarettes. By dealing with the total package, everything that is tied into your eating patterns and behaviors, we are better able to gain control, help you reduce your portions and better control the quality of food you put in your mouth.

Hypnosis is not a magic bullet, but it does make it so much easier to change your attitude about food and thus reduce your weight, returning back to that slim, trim, healthy person you want to be.

We can work with you in many different ways, including Gastric Band Hypnosis, which is very powerful, but again it is not magic. Working with the Hypnotist, you will be able to find the best approach to reducing your weight, which may include the Gastric Band or it may not. Hypnosis allows us to make changes to the programs that reside in your subconscious mind, and in the case of Hypnosis Weight Loss this means we not only take the weight off, but we are able to keep it off for good.

Why is Hypnosis Weight Loss so popular? Because Hypnosis Works!

Call today to schedule your appointment to Lose Weight with Hypnosis.
Lose weight permanently with hypnosis!

Mark V Johnson
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Alchemical Hypnotherapist
Certified Master Trainer
Dallas, Texas

Discover Hypnosis Skype Sessions

American Council of Hypnotist Examiners
International Association of Counselors and Therapists

IACT Educator of the Year for 2016

Call today to schedule your appointment to
Lose Weight with Hypnosis.
Office: 214-432-6624

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Weight Loss

I have struggled with my weight for several years after the birth of our daughter. Nothing seemed to work until I discovered the hypnotic lap band. I am finally on my way back to my ideal weight and can already wear my clothes I thought I'd never be able to fit into again. Thanks for sharing this process with me.

G.B. - Richardson

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Virtual Gastric Band

I considered LAP BAND® surgery but just didn't want to go under the knife. Then I heard about Gastric Band hypnosis and am so glad I was finally able to find you. After 3 months I have lost 32 lbs and I am already half way to my target. Thank you!

J. V. - DeSoto